Tailor-made therapy
We talk about conditions like depression, anxiety and low self-esteem as though they are a standard set of symptoms, but of course, they’re not. Everyone’s experience is unique, so my approach is to treat the person rather than the symptoms. I want to find out how, whatever brought you to therapy, makes you feel, think and behave. And that might be completely different to someone else. Exploring the subjective feelings, thoughts, and behaviours that arise from these symptoms can often signify deeper underlying issues or conflicts. This exploration is crucial, as it highlights the complex interplay between conscious and unconscious processes that shape a person's experience.
To know thyself is the beginning of wisdom - Socrates
I would contend that problems do not exist in isolation; they are influenced by various aspects of life, which reflects the psychoanalytic concept of the interconnectedness of different psychic elements. This idea suggests that our thoughts, emotions, behaviours and past experiences are all interrelated and can impact one another. The therapeutic goal is not merely symptom alleviation but fostering insight and self-understanding, allowing clients to recognize and disrupt unconscious patterns that contribute to their feelings of being "stuck." This process of gaining awareness and understanding can lead to profound changes in how individuals relate to themselves and their surroundings, and can ultimately promote personal growth and a sense of emotional freedom
© Frances Field
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